Examples Codes
Hello from plugin
"""Plugin to log a message when entering in the 'wait' state."""
import pibooth
from pibooth.utils import LOGGER
__version__ = "1.0.0"
def state_wait_enter():
LOGGER.info("Hello from '%s' plugin", __name__)
Upload to FTP
"""Plugin to upload pictures on a FTP server."""
import os
from ftplib import FTP
import pibooth
__version__ = "0.0.2"
def pibooth_startup(app):
app.ftp = FTP()
app.ftp.connect("ftp.pibooth.org", 21)
app.ftp.login("pibooth", "1h!gR4/opK")
def state_processing_exit(app):
name = os.path.basename(app.previous_picture_file)
with open(app.previous_picture_file, 'rb') as fp:
app.ftp.storbinary('STOR {}'.format(name), fp, 1024)
def pibooth_cleanup(app):
Control a RGB LED
"""Plugin to manage the RGB lights via GPIO."""
import pibooth
from gpiozero import RGBLED
from colorzero import Color
__version__ = "1.1.0"
def pibooth_startup(app):
# GPIOZERO is configured as BCM, use string with "BOARD(pin)" to
# convert on BOARD
app.rgbled = RGBLED("BOARD36", "BOARD38", "BOARD40")
def state_wait_enter(app):
app.rgbled.color = Color('green')
def state_choose_enter(app):
def state_preview_enter(app):
app.rgbled.color = Color('white')
def state_capture_exit(app):
app.rgbled.color = Color('red')
Add ‘Get Ready’ text before captures sequence
"""Plugin to display 'Get Ready' at screen after 'wait' state."""
import time
import pygame
import pibooth
from pibooth import pictures, fonts
__version__ = "0.0.2"
def state_wait_exit(win):
win_rect = win.get_rect()
text = "Get Ready!"
# Get best font size according to window size
font = fonts.get_pygame_font(text, fonts.CURRENT,
win_rect.width//1.5, win_rect.height//1.5)
# Build a surface to display at screen
text_surface = font.render(text, True, win.text_color)
# Clear screen
if isinstance(win.bg_color, (tuple, list)):
bg_surface = pictures.get_pygame_image(win.bg_color, win_rect.size, crop=True, color=None)
win.surface.blit(bg_surface, (0, 0))
# Draw the surface at screen
win.surface.blit(text_surface, text_surface.get_rect(center=win_rect.center).topleft)
# Force screen update and events process
# Wait 1s
Setup a custom camera
"""Plugin to handle retry in case of exception with DSLR/gPhoto2 camera."""
import time
import pibooth
from pibooth.utils import LOGGER
from pibooth import camera
__version__ = "4.0.2"
class GpCameraRetry(camera.GpCamera):
def capture(self, effect=None):
"""Capture a new picture.
retry = 0
max_retry = 2
while retry < max_retry:
return super(GpCameraRetry, self).capture(effect)
except Exception:
LOGGER.warning("Gphoto2 fails to capture, trying again...")
retry += 1
raise EnvironmentError("Gphoto2 fails to capture {} times".format(max_retry))
class HybridRpiCameraRetry(camera.HybridRpiCamera):
def __init__(self, rpi_camera_proxy, gp_camera_proxy):
super(HybridRpiCamera, self).__init__(rpi_camera_proxy)
self._gp_cam = GpCameraRetry(gp_camera_proxy)
self._gp_cam._captures = self._captures # Same dict for both cameras
def pibooth_setup_camera(cfg):
rpi_cam_proxy = camera.get_rpi_camera_proxy()
gp_cam_proxy = camera.get_gp_camera_proxy()
if rpi_cam_proxy and gp_cam_proxy:
LOGGER.info("Configuring hybrid camera with retry (Picamera + gPhoto2) ...")
return HybridRpiCameraRetry(rpi_cam_proxy, gp_cam_proxy)
elif gp_cam_proxy:
LOGGER.info("Configuring gPhoto2 camera with retry ...")
return GpCameraRetry(gp_cam_proxy)
elif rpi_cam_proxy:
LOGGER.info("Configuring Picamera camera ...")
return camera.RpiCamera(rpi_cam_proxy)
Setup a custom picture factory
"""Pibooth plugin which return the first raw capture as final picture."""
import pibooth
from pibooth.pictures.factory import PictureFactory
__version__ = "1.0.0"
class IdlePictureFactory(PictureFactory):
def build(self, rebuild=False):
return self._images[0]
def pibooth_setup_picture_factory(factory):
return IdlePictureFactory(factory.width, factory.height, *factory._images)